Monday, February 11, 2013

An addition to Milly's skills over the past couple of years has been finding new homes. We haven't been able to keep a collar on him as people have adopted him and taken it off so we've given up with a collar. He's tattooed so if he ends up with SPCA they know where to find us.

Through most of summer in 2012 we would see him randomly every week or two, and some of our neighbours let us know that they've been feeding him. After our vacation in August he disappeared again for a few months. He dropped by once in November, which likely marks the last time he was fed up with his last "owners". He has shown up again in the past couple of days with another collar and stopping by for food. He's now hanging out again in the neighbourhood for a while.

If you're looking to "adopt" him good luck, he likes marking his territory.

Please leave a comment below and say where you found him, and what strange things he may have been doing.


Anonymous said...

pretty sure it was Milly who made an appearancein my daughter's preschool today at 31st and Elgin. we just saw him on 30th and Windsor as well though his colar had no tag so we couldn't be sure.

Chris Hutchcroft said...

Someone within a block of us thought he was lost on the weekend, only hours after he was home having breakfast. He was brought to the SPCA. Lucky for Milly he's tattooed or he would have been put down. Now we're out $50 to bail him out :(

Anonymous said...


dropped off Milly at 30th and St.Catherines. Hope he's doing well. Let us know if you see him.

February 26 2013
35th and WIndsor St.

Anonymous said...

Milly has been sleeping on my back porch for the past 2 days/nights. 37th and Elgin. My dogs are not too happy. Can I drop him off at your house Chris?

Rob H said...

Just got in from being away all weekend and found that we had left our old pet door unlocked.
I don't know how long Milly was visiting. Put him out this morning and locked the pet door.
Your site cracked me up.

Unknown said...

Ross Near 31st Ave. Was putting out recycling and Milly came into the kitchen when I left the door open. He was looking for food no doubt. None to give so he gladly took some petting from us and left.

Anonymous said...

We called her Chairman MaoMao. She lived with us for about 5 months, until we put a tag on her with the name Lily and a phone number. I would wake up at night and she'd be standing on me staring. Is this the same cat? This cat is definitely older, female and following all the neighbours homes and going inside with them..and then our phone would ring.

Anonymous said...

We called her Chairman MaoMao. She lived with us for about 5 months, until we put a tag on her with the name Lily and a phone number. I would wake up at night and she'd be standing on me staring. Is this the same cat? This cat is definitely older, female and following all the neighbours homes and going inside with them..and then our phone would ring.

Anonymous said...

Hi there, this is Christie from LMOSC at McBride... Milly made a drop by and visited our out of schoo;l care... unfortunately, Chicken our Samoyed was not here, he loves cats! Milly wants to come into the daycare and is looking a bit hungry- she is in the courtyard at McBride School off of 29th Culloden. from Christie

Sam said...

I was just hanging out with Milly! I was walking home when he approached me at Inverness and 28th ave. After petting him for a few minutes, I started to head home and I noticed he was following me!
After we got to my house at 27th and Glen, I gave him some treats, we hung out for a while on my steps, then he just decided to continue his journey. Last I saw, he was at 27th and Elgin.
I hope to run into him in his travels again sometime in the near future.