Thursday, November 11, 2010

Have You Seen This Cat

Name: Milhouse Millenium aka Milly

: 30th & St. Catherine's area, Vancouver

tag on collar with this website address, and a bell to keep him from sneaking into houses (varies week to week he somehow manages to lose his collar regularly )

Wherever he wants, he's an outdoor cat (yes, even in winter - it's his call)

Walking into people's houses, following people home, bumming for food.

Between King Edward and 41st Avenue, between Knight and Main. You may live in his territory.

Lost?: If you find this cat, there's a 99% chance it is not lost. Please place outside, he will make his way home. We've had dozens of phone calls of people thinking he's lost. He has become a very good actor (think Puss-In-Boots from Shrek), but trust us he's well fed and cared for. If after reading this you really think he's lost, please e-mail

Food: Milly has as much food as he wants when he decides to be at home. Please do not feed this cat... unless you really like him coming back... often. That's okay as well, it saves us on cat food.

Skills: Please don't think Milly is coyote food - he has lived outdoors in coyote territory for almost fifteen years, there are more docile house-cats around to feed on than this cat.

Please leave a comment below and say where you found him, and what strange things he may have been doing.


Chris Hutchcroft said...

I think to date we've had about 2 dozen calls because we had our phone number on the tag. Now's the time to get it replaced with on the tag

Anonymous said...

Haha! This adorable cat has decided to snuggle up on the nice cat bed we conviently leave on our porch! After checking the tag, and rereading the website, we have realized he is not lost, but just visiting. We live in the 800 block of east 31st. Unfortunately we fed him, so I assume he will be back!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryl H,

So your cat ended up enthroned on the doormat on our front porch for an entire evening (also 800 block east 31st), after following Philip and Tyler back and forth to school for a couple of days and giving them much amusement. Philip is planning on writing a story based on the Millycat.

Mary B

Dan said...

Does this look familiar?

All this time, we thought we were special because this cat would come into our place and fall asleep on our laps! Last night we actually had to trick it in order to get him out of the house so we could go to bed.

So good to know that its not lost and just a friendly neighborhood cat. We had no idea that it had such a large territory though! We thought it was the next door neighbor's cat.

PS - we're around 30th and St. Catherines.

Dan and Andi

Anonymous said...

After returning home from Christmas shopping, hands full of bags, we were greeted at the car by this friendly feline in the snow. He happily escorted us up the stairs to our front door, where he quickly scampered into the living room with us. Worried he was lost, we gave him a bowl of milk-oops! Then we saw his tag, and found the website. What a clever kitty! After visiting for about 15 minutes, it seems he was very comfortable, and it took three family members to also trick him to get outside! Ha ha! A delightful house-guest...We look forward to his return! (We're located on the 900 block East 31st).

Anonymous said...

Great web site. Your cat followed me and my son home (29th and St. Catherines) and has now decided to hang out. He snuck in our house once and is trying to come in our cat door (which I have now closed). I am sure he will make his way home as soon as he realizes we have two very large dogs.

Anonymous said...

hi there

Milly has lived in our garden before, in the summer. thats when i first met him. its 1:00 am now, and he followed me up my steps. because it is really freaking cold out, i made him a bed of a thick blanket for him to curl up in so he doesnt freeze overnight. After reading your site, i realize he can probably handle the temperatures, but i just couldn't handle knowing hes out in this weather without anything warm in my neighborhood. i live on harriet street. good to know he knows his way around and isnt lost.

Anonymous said...

Hello again,

This is the second night milly is sleeping on our porch. Just so you know, he was wet and cold and hungry when he came to us. The good news is he is safe and fine now (in case you were worried at all), however I don't understand why he has a warm home available to him, yet he isn't in it right now when the temperatures have been dropping every night. Please let your cat stay inside your own home - at least while the weather is so cold like it has been lately - we don't like seeing an animal shake from being cold. If an animal has a home, they should stay in it until the weather warms up, at least.

We'll keep you posted on the well being of your cat.

Anonymous said...

My dad and I saw Milly today while walking to scool.  I thought he was lost before I read the tag.He's really friendly and followed us part way to school.

Anonymous said...

He was in Guelph on Saturday afternoon, playing blues at the Cool Cat Cafe.

Anonymous said...

your cat is a casual smoker - we're very sorry. actually both of us (neighbors from 29th/st. Catherine) are trying to reduce bad addicts... so we were sitting on our porch while sound of reindeer bells distracted our naughty habit. you have to admit that is a little too late for Santas slights and understand are confusion when it appears it was a cat. we've found a tag and decided to write you and wish you all the best in 2009. Kasia & Maciej

Laura Blumenthal said...

Your cat is currently sitting on our front porch. He tried to convince me to let him in, but I explained to him that he doesn't live here. Then one of our cats decided to go out and explain it in his own language. He still seems unconvinced, even though my cat is now back inside.

Laura & Mark, @ Windsor & Ringwood (between 30th & 29th)

Anonymous said...

twas a dark and chilly night this one january evening the air was brisk and angry. As my girlfriend and i got out of our car we were greeted ever so casually by what we now have come to know as the infamous Milly ( As she followed us back to our home (on 27th and Prince Albert)we couldn't help but think hmmmm "what a cute curious little cat" and allowed him to jingle himself into our kitchen. As we sat and played with Milly scratching him behind the ears and what not we finally decided to check his little jingling tag only to find that this gypsy cat had been whoring itself around these parts well for months... so we promptly placed him back out in the cold where we found him...and belongs. ps we gave him tuna sucker

Anonymous said...

milly appeared to us with a short mew, and asked to come inside. it was odd how comfortable he made himself in our home. Upon coming to this site, i see we are simply one household amongst a long line of doops that milly uses for his social advantage.

we still think he is really cute! there is a cat door in our house (28th and st catherines) so i suppose he will let himself out, just as he let himself in.

milly is a respectable cat, worthy of a website.

Anonymous said...

Milly introduced himself to my daughter and I last week. He now greets us when we come home and races us up the stairs.
I too have been suckered into providing him with a couple of meals.

Margaret - Ringwood Avenue

Anonymous said...

Came home to vivit my dad today. He said there was a random cat sleeping on the bed... gave him some catnip, he wont leave.. haha.

Manda said...

He's checking out my bedroom as I type this. We gave him dinner, and now he's content to wander about and to watch the open front door. I hope he comes to his own conclusion on heading home cos I'll feel bad if I have to put him out, haha.

He followed us from the 7-11 at Knight and 33rd all the way home to 35th and Elgin.

We've taken souvenir photos with and of him - you should maybe find a way to add these, since he's becoming a local celebrity. Would be an awesome project.

Manda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Manda said...

I hope it's okay that he's staying indoors tonight. We'll put him outside in the morning, we tried already and felt really bad as he just stayed at the door and came back in the first chance he got.

He's eaten, and he's sleeping now so no worries there.

Anonymous said...

I found him while i was on a stroll and she followed me home my dad thought shes was lost but after i saw the website and saw that see has been around in all these areas and is not really lost my dad let him go he still around the area

Unknown said...

What a cat! He's curled up in a chair listening to jazz at 37th and Culloden today after having used the same tricks - running up the stairs after me while I was cleaning out my employer's truck - this morning. He moved right in and acted like he'd always lived here, but will be sent on his way shortly. The website is a great idea,

Anonymous said...

This is the best site EVER!!! We live on John & 29th, and Milly is visiting with us now. We seem to attract a lot of cats to our home, and often worry about whether they are lost or strays, but not Milly! You can tell how well loved and taked care of she is:)

Anonymous said...

I live on 26th and Main and Milly likes to hang with the kids in the neighborhood.At first we thought he was a lost cat since we know all the cats in our area and he just showed up out of the blue 2 days ago .When he sees the kids coming he will just lie down in front of them for a good petting then follow us home.He really does make himself at home, even scratches at the door to be let in when the kids go inside.What a great cat!

Diana said...

Milly made an entrance this afternoon at our house at 30th and John Street - came right in, met the kids, then wandered out.
May 9/09

Chris Hutchcroft said...

Looks like Milly has been on an adventure for a few weeks, but I guess his welcome has run out as he was back at home this morning.

As usual, a dash in the door, eat food, and now out again patrolling the neighbourhood.

Nikka said...

My dad woke me up at 12 @O@ I have to get up for school in like..7 hours XD I'm just glad this animal isn't really lost. Most interesting thing I've been waken up for though :P

Anonymous said...

Milly is great! This is Brando on Prince Albert street n 29th. Came home with me today. What is the deal with this kitty? So brave and friendly. Milly is my cat now. Muwhahahahaaaa!!! Just kidding. Peace

Unknown said...

on prince albert and he is awesome cat :) ! Milly.. thats cute

Anonymous said...

We came home to Milly today and she followed us into the house, found our cats' cat food and settled down to eat. My husband thinks she looks so similar to our old cat (she passed away around 2 mths ago) To get her out of the house picked her up and she did not like that growled and hissed when I put her outside. Live on Ringwood and Windsor

Anonymous said...

Milly is currently holding court in the backyard of 779 East 31st. He met Charlie, resident female tuxedo cat, who did not take kindly to the intruder. Charlie now in house, cooling heels, while Milly is snuggled on the porch mat, in the shade, keeping me company. Great idea this website.

Anonymous said...

At 7:45 this morning he had a very nice visit over on Elgin st. He is very beautiful and we enjoyed his company!!

Anonymous said...

Sitting at Grays park enjoying Vancouvers finest offerings, when ups strolls Milly. He chilled with us listening to Kings of Leon. We thought Milly was lost until we read his tag.

joyce said...

well i thought i was his only speical friend...i live in surrey, but have a cient just off knight street... i clean homes for a living ...when one summer morning in comes the sweetest kitty...he had decided i needed help....well lets just say his idea of help was leaving hair behide.... some time later i mention it to my client..h laughs then starts tell the milly the cat...aaawww iam so touch by that cat.... he has whom owns milly( if u could really call ur self it seems he has many)thx for sharing that lil sweetie...ilove him... c u soom milly

Anonymous said...

3 in the morning, trying to get my bike through the front door and there's Milly. My roomate's cousin accidentally caught a shark last week and we were keeping it's head in a plastic bag because we wanted to salvage it's teeth. The bag was foolishly left under the front steps for over a week. I presume that Milly was attracted to the smell and quickly made his way in with me as I wiggled my bike into through the door. He strutted around then ran up the stairs. I played guitar and he drank milk. He likes hugs and is always in charge. I trust we'll meet again.

prince al between 28 and 29

sweetearth said...

Milly just followed us home. I was with my 3 year old who just loved the idea of being followed. We even ran and giggled all the way back from McBride Elementary trying to outrun Milly because we didn't want him crossing the road.
He did and he left us just outside of St. Casmir's Church.

Anonymous said...

Milly came to visit last night (28th and Elgin) and, like many others, we thought he was lost. Of course we gave him food and he decided to stay for awhile. He tried coming inside but I don't think he liked our dog. :/ He left, but this morning, as my husband was leaving for work, Milly returned! He spotted him down the street and my husband heard the bell. Milly came over and chilled in front of the house. I'm sure he'll be back again. Who doesn't like free food? :)

Anonymous said...

This blog is like geocaching only the location has 4 feet,a bell & it comes to you. Maybe Milly is an investigative journalist or is writing a book about US. I tried out my old cat's favourite scratch (old Sid died at age 18 last summer & is sorely missed). Sid liked nothing better than the lower back just before the tail. Apparently, Milly does not, and it was me that got scratched. Today, he was on our back porch, came in to say hello (it's our first encounter with Milly) & he has been back twice (28th bet St Cath & Windsor) today on this gray and cold May day. We hope to see him again. Great blog.

Brandy said...

My girlfriend has been talking for weeks of this leopard cat that follows her to the bus in the morning sometimes. Says he will follow her for a bit and then move on to following someone else who happens to come along. I was a bit jealous. I would always wonder when I was going to have the privilege of being followed by this great cat.

Tonight was the night. We were making our way home from the bus and saw Milly narrowly escape a Mustang at 28th and Windsor. With a great big dog barking from behind a fence, Milly came over and enjoyed some pets. He then followed us down the alley to 28th and Elgin where we parted ways and went into our yard.

Milly was very unhappy about being left out. No sooner were we inside, Milly was up on the fence and then onto the roof. Last I saw of him, he was perched back up on the fence. We would have let him in, but there is a very territorial calico that would have something to say about that.

Love the website and loved reading about Milly's other adventures. I hope to see him around again soon.

Laura Blumenthal said...

Milly's been hanging out in front of our house at Ringwood and Windsor for the last couple of days - it's been about a year since our last encounter with him, and it's nice to see him again.

Yesterday morning I watched an older Asian immigrant admonishing his son or grandson not to pet Milly, but it was rather hard to convince the child. He kept calling Milly, but then would run away when he came close. It was kind of cute. I petted him (the cat) for comfort before I got into my car to go to work.

Anonymous said...

wows, intresting... so milly is chilling on out front porch (29th and prince albert) just thought id leave a note let you know where milly has been. great cat for sure!

- R

Anonymous said...

Milly's at Elgin and 29th in the rain. Our kitty found him hiding under our car keeping dry. Milly hissed at our Boston terrier and then tried to follow our neighbour to his house. I picked him up and had a quick cuddle and checked out his tag and i think it's so cool he has his own website!!!

Anonymous said...

He's currently at Main and 24th ave. He's really cuddly with my parents. He's definitly a good house guest and I hope to see him around some more


Anonymous said...

Milly followed my friend and I home the other night, we were down at knight and we walked to main and king eddie. I let your cat sleep in my home fed her milk and salmon and went to bed, thought I'd surprise my dad in the morning but in the dead of night Milly stole into the room of my sister. Alison was alarmed when she was awoken by a strange animal climbing on her back! haha love yourcat:)

Anonymous said...

Milly is still hanging out near Main and 24th. She has charmed our family. Well..maybe not quite my husband. Milly is working on it though.

Greenmama said...

october 22nd, went to put something on the porch and voila!
i think milly followed my friend and i talking and talking around for 2 hours through the neighbourhood (FULL moonish) on wednesday night. we were circling the blocks and milly kept popping out!
we've called before - the website is smart.
now milly is playing playmobil toys with my 5 year old, just about to join in on a playdate!

Anonymous said...

I just arrived home ( Knight and 28th ave.) with the kids in my daycare.
What a nice surprise to found a cat in the front yard that like to be flatter by kids.
We left him there and when to the computer and try the cat's tag.
And then we had fun watching the video.
Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

from all of us at Garderie Le Zebre

Anonymous said...

Milly Cat spent the night on our couch at Knight and 34th, and was back on his way this morning. Hope to see him again soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi, your cat followed us home today and our little girl sat with him outside whilst I checked the website. Unfortunately she scratched her during that time. By the way, you might want to keep her close at night as my husband saw two full grown coyotes in the neighbourhood at dusk yesterday.

Anonymous said...

it' been almost two years since we've seen milly but we were happy to see him again on the 800 block of east 31st. we would have invited him in for dinner but we think our other 3 cats might have gotten a little jealous! best of luck on your travels milly!!


Kassi said...

Was greeted by Milly while out for a stroll with a friend this afternoon near Windsor and 29th.

Elgin @ 31st said...

Millycat followed me home 6 blocks in the rain at 2 in the morning. He was waiting for me outside my front door when I got home this afternoon, but was upset he couldn't come hang out in my warm house. Sorry, buddy.

I [heart] Milly. You have a cool cat, Chris.

Anonymous said...

Last night Milly followed me home at 1am in the morning. Having been a previous cat owner myself, I felt concerned about him hanging out so late at night. I politely shooed him away so that he could continue on his way home but he ended up on my porch instead. Today I came back from grocery shopping and look who happened to be in front of the house...he followed me to the door and found a cozy spot on the porch. I thought he was now definitely lost and looked at his collar where I found the website address. I couldn't believe the stories I wonder I enjoy cats so much, they never cease to amaze me.
31st & St Catherines

Anonymous said...

Hi. 6:30 a.m Tues Nov 16, 2010.

Milly greeted me as I got out of my car on Elgin half a block North from 33rd. Walked me right to my door.

I was trying to read the tag in the half light and it came off (sorry), so that's where it went. What a lovely animal, been here since May and this is the first time we've met. I fed him before I read the site, so perhaps we shall meet again.

What a good idea. xoxo ~ L

Anonymous said...

Hi I live on 29th and Elgin. This cat followed my boyfriend home one snowy night then she was gone then came back one cold rainy night then she was gone again. When she came back, we started feeding her and now she only leaves our place to do her business then comes back and waits for us when we are gone. I knocked on one of the neighbor's doors and he directed me to this website. Howevre, I am quite confused because the cat we have now is the same cat in the picture but it's a she and it has a red collar but no tag anywhere. Can someone please let me know if the cat in the picture is the same cat who's been coming and going our place recently. I was going to post pictures that we found this cat but the neighbor who directed me to this website assured me this cat is everyone's cat. We becae quite attached to her and we feel bad leaving her out.

Laura Blumenthal said...

He was hanging out on our back deck all day today - at Ringwood & Windsor.

Anonymous said...

Oh Milly, found wandering on 37th and Elgin. Seems like he was out all night last night, slept on a neighbours porch.

Anonymous said...

Hi I live near knight and 33rd. When I got to home, Milly was sitting in front of my house door as if he was waiting for me.

Anonymous said...

Well, seems I have gone from a 4 cat house to a 5 cat house, does this officially make me the crazy cat lady? Maybe I need 7 to qualify...
Milly enjoys hanging here, although my other cats don't really like him in the house, so he hangs around in the carport, with his food and water...
Cheryl...just thought you might like to know, haha
He is loved here as well...I have appointed him official guardian of the GG cookies.

Anonymous said...

April 19 2014
Milly just showed up at my house, just checked his collar and was directed here, he is painfully thin, i did feed him.
I live on East 33rd between knight and Fraser.

Anonymous said...

Hey Milly community so he is at our house (28th and Inverness) right now eating my cats food. He just let himself in while we were playing in the yard. This is the second time he has been here. Last time he visited us around Christmas and didn't have a collar on so we thought he was a stray. It was nice of him to make his way back here because we were worried about him when he left last time. He is supper cool even my cat likes him and Andre doesn't like any other cats so thanks for bringing this awesome character into our lives. Cheers Ps he needs a Facebook page :)

Anonymous said...

met milly at 22nd and kingsway. we all thought she was a stray until we check the website. "She's cute as a button." - Francis Wesley Gerwien. Eorma said, " I hope Java doesnt beat it up." Dustin said, "lets eat it, I am a viking!" I said what a neat cat to invoke such conversation!

Anonymous said...

I recently came across Dr Millhouse Millenium in Zimbabwe, while I was working with Doctors Without Borders.
After a particularly bad lion attack, I was left without the use of either leg and was unable temporarily remove the noses of small children for entertainment purposes.
Dr Millenium was a tremendous help, both to my psyche and the regrowth of both severed legs.
Meow on, Hero

Cam said...

Milly just showed up among the crowd of people that where attending my party. People all thought it was my cat and I was very confused about the comments about my "chill cat" that I allegedly had. I finally found him watching bands play in my living room. Most cats would be hiding during this kind of event. Very peculiar. I am glad he made an appearance for my birthday.