Thursday, August 1, 2013

New Link

Since Milly is gone I'll be letting the domain expire. After August 10 this site will be

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013

An addition to Milly's skills over the past couple of years has been finding new homes. We haven't been able to keep a collar on him as people have adopted him and taken it off so we've given up with a collar. He's tattooed so if he ends up with SPCA they know where to find us.

Through most of summer in 2012 we would see him randomly every week or two, and some of our neighbours let us know that they've been feeding him. After our vacation in August he disappeared again for a few months. He dropped by once in November, which likely marks the last time he was fed up with his last "owners". He has shown up again in the past couple of days with another collar and stopping by for food. He's now hanging out again in the neighbourhood for a while.

If you're looking to "adopt" him good luck, he likes marking his territory.

Please leave a comment below and say where you found him, and what strange things he may have been doing.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Have You Seen This Cat

Name: Milhouse Millenium aka Milly

: 30th & St. Catherine's area, Vancouver

tag on collar with this website address, and a bell to keep him from sneaking into houses (varies week to week he somehow manages to lose his collar regularly )

Wherever he wants, he's an outdoor cat (yes, even in winter - it's his call)

Walking into people's houses, following people home, bumming for food.

Between King Edward and 41st Avenue, between Knight and Main. You may live in his territory.

Lost?: If you find this cat, there's a 99% chance it is not lost. Please place outside, he will make his way home. We've had dozens of phone calls of people thinking he's lost. He has become a very good actor (think Puss-In-Boots from Shrek), but trust us he's well fed and cared for. If after reading this you really think he's lost, please e-mail

Food: Milly has as much food as he wants when he decides to be at home. Please do not feed this cat... unless you really like him coming back... often. That's okay as well, it saves us on cat food.

Skills: Please don't think Milly is coyote food - he has lived outdoors in coyote territory for almost fifteen years, there are more docile house-cats around to feed on than this cat.

Please leave a comment below and say where you found him, and what strange things he may have been doing.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Milly had a bell

Milly used to have a collar with a bell, but he managed to remove the last two collars, including the tags and the bell. Now that there is no bell, he has not removed the collar, so it can be assumed that he did it in self-defense.

It's amazing how much like Milly the cat is in the video.